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Feeling stagnated?
We've collected useful links and pages below to help you grow at times when you feel like you're stuck. There are always options out there for you - and they don't necessarily have to be in the veterinary industry!
This page is a work in progress, if you have any suggestions then let us know on our 'contact us' page!
A Change of Plans: About
Attaining a Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP)
A CertAVP is a post-graduate certificate offered by the RCVS. You get more letters after your name and a wealth of knowledge to boot. It's a modular approach, so you choose the modules that sum up to the desired certificate. There are small animal, exotics, equine, and large animal modules. The full list of modules can be found here.
Attaining a Diploma
You'll have seen Diploma holder with the letters 'Dip***' after their name with following letters revealing their specialty. This is a challenging process but results in you being recognised as a specialist in the field.
Attaining a BSAVA Post Graduate Certificate
Offered by the BSAVA (British Small Animal Veterinary Association), a Certificate is a small-animal focused further qualification for specific areas of small animal practice. Currently, offered programs are:
Small Animal Medicine
Small Animal Surgery
Small Animal Emergency & Critical Care
Small Animal Ophthalmology
Attaining a BSAVA Masters in Clinical Veterinary Research
Fancy a change of pace? Integrating research and clinical practice into one degree, this Masters might be for people who like clinical practice but need to scratch their research itch.
Attaining an RCVS Fellowship
Fellowships are often far-off dreams, but why not read up and see what you need to attain one?
For ideas and experiences from real life vets who have shifted career path, have a look at Vets: Stay, Go, Diversity.
Official page of Vets: Stay, Go, Diversity.
Facebook page of Vets: Stay, Go, Diversify.
A Change of Plans: Text
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